Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Interstate travel

Hello all, long time no see. My bad, been busy with job, studies, family and so on. And now, the change in job is keeping me busy in adjusting to the new workplace, city, people and state. Yes, I have taken my new job in Ahmedabad which is making me travel interstate to go back home every weekend for now. But, I am able to find some time now to catch up with my blog which has been in hibernation for the past 4 months.

About the new place, the heat is tremendous and the whole place feels like a giant oven. And baking in this oven are sweet cookie-like people here. Whoever I have met here has been very sweet in every way to make me feel at home, from my colleague to the lady in the BSNL (government) office. And so is the food here. Lots of variety.

But still, home is home, and you do feel like going back every weekend (ofcourse also coz the
gharwaali is there). So I might travel by the long distance railway so much in this one month that will almost be equal to what I have done till now. And it is also giving me a flavor of a long distance relationship which had not yet happened in my case, esp. after marriage. So I am getting to experience it all; inter-continental before marriage and inter-state after marriage. And so I really feel sad for the people who have to do this because they have no choice, I mean its ok for a month or so, but more than scope.

Anyways, I atleast found some time to write this one, and will write as long as I am doing inter-state travel. Keep coming back.