Its the end of the month and also the end of the week, in Maharashtra atleast, since its holiday tomorrow on ocassion of Maharashtra Day. So Happy Maharashtra Day in advance to all of you. Its also the last phase of elections today and an end of the voting process. So this marks the end of the current government. And to do that I went out early in the morning and cast my vote. I exercised my right after almost 10 years.
I am satisfied that I have put in my effort to be the change I want to see, and thats what I request you to do, no actually I urge you all sincerely to do. Its a very easy and hassle-free process. Take the info chit you have received giving your ward number, take a photo identity such as a drivers license, a pan card or passport and go to your respective ward. There are volunteers out there and people too, to help you find your ward and guide you through the process. I voted using the EVM. You will hardly have to wait in queue for half an hour at the maximum, but isn't it worth the wait? Its better than having to wait atleast 2 hours daily for the electric supply to get back. I am sure atleast one of your acquaintances has got an election duty today and they are putting all their efforts to make your voting process hassle-free. So please go out there and cast your vote as soon as you finish reading this post, if you haven't done it already.
Voting is our right, responsibility and privilege and we should exercise it at all costs. We are fortunate to be able to do that, unlike our neighboring country where an unwanted force of maniacs is ruling and the people and government can do nothing about it. Make sure you vote so that we all won't have to face such a situation where an unwanted group of uneducated criminal corrupts are ruling our precious Hindustan out. I don't wish to hand over my motherland to such undeserving mortals, do you? So go out and cast your vote to put an end to all the foul play. Let us be the change we want to see.
Jai Hind!!